Web Tools
Some of these great tools require an email to register to use.
Digital Storytelling
PIC-LITS - inspired picture writing. Choose an image. Drag and drop words to capture the meaning of the picture.
Make Beliefs Comix - Online Educational Comic Generator
Storybird - Use artwork to help tell your story, or to inspire a story.
Youblisher - Publish your stories in a e-book page turner format and share.
Idea Organization
Padlet - online notice board
Popplet - create mind maps
Adobe Spark - Create graphics, web pages, and videos
Biteable - Make videos and animations
Pow Toon - Create animated videos and presentations
Prezi - Alternative to Powerpoint slides
Talking Avatars
Blabberize - upload an image, record your voice and your image will talk
Voki - speaking avatars
Word Clouds
Wordle - Create your own wordcloud.